Hello 2023!
Vision boards, also sometimes called dream or manifestation boards, treasure maps, or life collages, are a fun and creative way for couples to get clear on their goals and have a visual reminder of these goals. Plus, it’s just plain fun to get messy, and dream together with a fun DIY.
Why Create a Vision Board as a Couple?
A vision board is a collage of images, words, and phrases that represents your goals and aspirations. It can be a helpful tool for couples to dream, visualize and plan for their future together. Creating it together will encourage you to talk it through, and iron out the details together - so you can reflect all year on your shared dreams.
There are no hard and fast files, but here are some easy steps you can follow to create a vision board as a couple:
Identify your goals and aspirations: Start by brainstorming what you want to achieve as a couple. These could be short-term goals, such as saving for a down payment on a house, or long-term goals, such as traveling the world.
Gather materials: You'll need a large piece of poster board or foam board, scissors, glue, and a variety of magazines, newspapers, and other print materials that you can cut up and use to create your vision board.
Cut out images and words: Look through your materials and cut out images and words that represent your goals and aspirations. You can also include quotes or affirmations that inspire you as a couple.
Arrange and glue: Once you have a selection of images and words, start arranging them on your board. Use glue to attach them securely. You can create a cohesive theme or just have fun arranging the items in a way that feels meaningful to you.
Display your vision board: Hang your vision board in a place where you'll see it often, such as in your bedroom or home office. This will help you stay motivated and focused on your goals as a couple.
Remember, a vision board is a personal and individualized tool, so there's no one "right" way to create one. The important thing is that it reflects your goals and aspirations as a couple and helps you stay motivated and focused on what you want to achieve together.
Time Capsule Date Night
Are there too many hurdles here for gathering items, and the whole DIY thing? No worries - we have you covered! Check out our Time Capsule Kit - available on Amazon. This $20 date night kit will walk you through the entire process with prompts, colorful graphics, and make it really easy to create your own vision together. You can add to the jar all year, and open it up when you usher in 2024. This is a great date night vision board for couples - IN A JAR!
Looking for something online?
Maybe you’re a bit more tech forward? No worries - we have you covered here as well. With the ease of digital uploads, and some free quotes, you can create a beautiful poster online and have it delivered. The people over at Persnickity Prints have a great template for a beautiful finished piece. Jump on over here to see/use it.