This is the time if year we all want that perfect photo. Who doesn't love sending out a magical holiday card? You're all smiling, everything is perfect - even the dog. How about turning up the fun with something unexpected? Grab your partner, and make a date night of sleevefacing! It's awesome silly fun, and costs nothing. All you need is a mobile device with a camera, and some old vinyl album covers. If you want to really do a deep dive, make a quick outing to your local used records store for some treasure. Don't limit yourself to album covers, a great sleeveface can come from a book cover, a poster, or just about anything you have on hand - even photos. You can also download an app (.99). Either way, this is a super campy throwback date night that will have you rolling. We've included some of our favorite holiday inspired sleeve faces here. Scroll down to see the tips and tricks video from the website. Post your pics and tag us!