

Making puka shell bracelets is a fun way to spend a date night together. It's easy to do, and in the end you have your very own his & hers island bracelets. We are so excited about our March DateBox - it was completely inspired by our last trip to the island of Kauai, and includes a kit to make 2 authentic puka shell bracelets.

Watch the video or scroll down for step by step instructions

Empty the puca shells into a dish. Pull out the stretch strings and attach one clip to the end of each string. Start threading shells onto the open end of the stretch string. Keep them faced in the same direction for a uniform look. If you have any special beads at your home you want to add, go for it! The clip will allow you to string the beads onto one end, and not have them fall off the other end. Keep testing the length by draping over your wrist. When you have the right length, it's time to tie it off. We will use a surgeon's knot to tie it off, and no worries, it's not a difficult knot to make. If you are familiar with a surgeon's knot - or how to tie a stretchy bracelet - go for it. For the rest of us, here is a fabulous little video that makes it easy so see just how to tie the knot, and secure your bracelets. We also recommend finishing it off with a dab of glue, or a drop of clear nail polish. Special thank you to Christine Gierer from How to Make Jewelry for the great tutorial!

Surgeon's Knot - Step by Step Photo:  

A Little Bit About Puka Shell History and Our Bracelet Kits

Puka shells are bead-like objects which can be found on many beaches in Hawaii. Each shell is the beach-worn tip of a cone snail shell. Puka is the Hawaiian word for "hole" and refers to the naturally occurring hole in the middle of these worn shell fragments. Inexpensive imitations are now widely sold as puka shell necklaces. The majority of these are not made from cone shells, but from other shells, or even plastic. When we were in Kauai, we strung our own Puka necklaces with a local artist. It was so cool, that we asked her to make us special bracelet kits for our March Members - enjoy! Aloha If you're not part of our club, and didn't receive a March DateBox, you can make your own kit. Our shells were sent to us directly from the beach, but you can buy something similar online. Here are the basic items you'll need:

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