The Story of Summer Survivors

The Story of Summer Survivors

Back to school…. 3 words dreaded by every kid, and secretly coveted by many parents! I’ll admit it, I fall on the ready side of September. My wife and I now take that 8:00 pm kids bed time, and carve out some "us" time.
We take some tips from "Back to School," and apply them to our “Back to Date Night” September ritual.
Set your alarm
Our date night is set for Thursday nights, after the kids go to bed.
Do Your Homework
We don’t wait for Thursday night to roll around to figure it out. We have a jar of favorite activities, and we pick one on Monday. Some require more effort than others.
No Excuses
Making time for each other takes some effort. Intention and consistency are your two best friends. Date night can be as simple as a glass of wine with no devices and check out our Dollar Bill  game.
Copy our Ideas
Are you feeling low on creativity? That’s OK, we have you covered. Here are 4 easy ideas to kick start your Thursday nights:
1. Coffee / Tea House date. Spend a little time finding a new coffee (regular or decaf) or tea to try together. Pull out those perfect mugs, brew the coffee or heat the water, and sit down together. Take a breathe, and relax and enjoy the warmth of your drink and each other. 
2. No Wine-ing. Preplan a trip to your local wine store or shop. Talk to the owner to get his advice on a bottle you’ll like. For us, wine is mostly about the story and less about the taste. For red wine find some chocolates to try while drinking it. For white we like a small cheese and cracker plate. If you want to be really creative find a wine on the Living Wine Labels page and download the app
3. Game Night. I grumble but am always super happy when I find a game that’s fun and engaging. It could be a new game or an old stand-by like Yahtzee. And don’t forget about that deck of cards you have. Crazy Eights or Go Fish are fun too. You can get lost in the game play, and enjoy time together.
4. At Home Date Night. For those of us that have less time to plan, let DateBox Club take care of that part. Order a DateBox, set a time, and enjoy a unique date night together.
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